Curricula Vitae


Songs For The River, 288 River Street, Troy, NY, September, 2007

Ocular Gratification, Exhibition Space, SUNY at Albany, NY, April, 2006

Senior Art Show, Exhibition Space, S.U.N.Y. Albany, NY, 2006, 2005, 2004

The Ontario College of Art and Design Exhibition of Selected Student Works, Toronto, CA, Fall 2003

Mike Parsons' Artists off the Walls Show, Toronto, CA, Aug. 2003

Prison Letters, The Green Room, Toronto, CA, Jul.-Aug. 2003

Delire de Proprete, The Green Room, Toronto, CA, May-Jun. 2003

Deserts of Constriction, The Green Room, Toronto, CA, March-April 2003

Grime, The Green Room, Toronto, CA, Jan.-Feb. 2003

The Ouroboros Factory, The Green Room, Toronto, CA, Nov.-Dec. 2002

Okay With Passion, The Green Room, Toronto, CA, Sept.-Oct. 2002

Five Crows From the Volery: selections in ink, The Green Room, Toronto, CA, Jul.- Aug. 2002

Shadows and Fog, The Green Room, Toronto, CA, May-June 2002

The Relayer Show, The Green Room, Toronto, CA, March-April 2002


Vestuary Operatics, St. Anthony’s Church (abandoned), June 2007, Albany, NY (curators: Michael Oatman and Ryder Cooley)

Fence Show, The Arts Center of the Capital Region, NY, June 2006

Color and Light, Athens Cultural Center, NY, April- May 2006 (curator: Howard Zar)

Menagerie Art Circus Benefit, Albany Center Galleries, NY, Oct. 2005


Fence Select Juried Exhibition, The Arts Center of the Capital Region, NY, July- August 2006 (juror: Nato Thompson)


InsideOut Magazine, Hudson River Valley, NY, 2007

Various drawings, Hive Mind Zine, Toronto, CA, Jan. 2003

Various drawings, Relayer Magazine, Toronto, CA, Jan. - July, 2002

Hazmat Literary Review, Vol.3, Issue 1, Rochester, NY, Spring/Summer 1998