.....I've just found out about what seems like the best gift any student or researcher could possibly receive (other than love and straight A plusses), and it doesn't cost the user one ugly penny. This extension's reach extends much farther than anything I've heard of before.
I'm in the middle of applying to an absurd amount of graduate programs, so this is a very timely discovery. I have insane amounts of information to organize and store (essays, websites, deadlines, addresses: you name it), so this magic lamp looks like the one I want to rub. I'll be taking Zotero for a test drive, and when my applications are finished, I'll let you know how it measured up to my gargantuan expectations. If you'd like to explore it yourself, here's some relevant data:
"Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It lives right where you do your work — in the web browser itself."
Stolen directly from their website, here is a list of its FEATURES:
Automatic capture of citation information from web pages
Storage of PDFs, files, images, links, and whole web pages
Flexible notetaking with autosave
Fast, as-you-type search through your materials
Playlist-like library organization, including saved searches
- (smart collections) and tags
Platform for new forms of digital research that can be extended
- with other web tools and services
Runs right in your web browser
Formatted citation export (style list to grow rapidly)
Free and open source
Integration with Microsoft Word and OpenOffice
Saves records and notes in any language; interface available in
- with more on the way
Integration with WordPress and other blogging software
- ____________________________________________________________________________________
- LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES.............

And since I'm in a good mood, here's more useful + free stuff:
By the way, Zotero is having a slogan contest. This is how I procrastinate.
Here are some examples:
Got Zotero?
Zero Tolerance? Try Zotero
Zotero- Your card catalog will never know...
Are you whip-smart and slap happy? Submit to Zotero.
Get Zotoro. Get Zs.
Zotero: The other woman.
Zotero: My Hero.
Get Zotoro: Get Ahead
Save green. Save Trees. Save everything. Zotero.
Zotero: The new Eros.
The new Zot com.
Say goodbye to Ds, and hello to Zs.
Sport your academic ease with Zotero Tees.
Zotero: The hot secretary you weren't allowed to hire.
Zotero: not another Word.
Cut and paste makes waste.
Zotero: Compatible with Life, the Universe, and everything.
Here lies Dewey. Rest In Peace.
End of the alphabet, on top of the line.
LibrarieZ Unite: Zotero
Zotero: The other Other White Meat.
Get to the crux of the matter, but be at the hub: Zotero
Zotero Zoo: Save the World. Keep it Wild.
Better than single file! Get out of line.
Honey, I need some space.
Picture This: Zotero.
Zotero: Diggit.
Out of Site, Out of Mind. Zotero.
Zotero: The big, strong man of the brain.
Can I carry your books for you? -Zotero
Information Capture: Throw away your club.
Zotero: Dressed to impress, now with WordPress. Whirred.
Take Back The Cite.
Take Note. Save Quote.
Scholars, Loosen Your Collars. Zotero.
Zotero. Zo Good.
The only thing constant is change. Zotero doesn't cost any.
Break the Chain Law. Amalgamate your Findings.
Zotero Commons. Anything but.
Zotero. Welcome home.
Zotero. What are you doing after the Library closes?
You must be smart. You're already here.
Zotero - Make your mark.
Abandon all notes, Ye who enter here.
Skip the I.Q. test. You're in. Zotero.
Zotero. Click this.
Zotero. Now all you have to do is think.
Zotero: An Open Relationship with Information.
Virtual Pack Rats Unite.
An E-Maid for an E-Z existence.
We can't do anything about the weather. Yet. -Zotero
Study in Style. Zotero University.
Get it together. We'll help.
Zotero: Free Store, and so much more.
Got an E-Maid? Got it made. Zotero.
Forgo the typewriter. Become a new type of Writer.
Now you can add your bad handwriting to your scholarly works!
Zotero. A Post-Modernizer for a post-modern world.
Zotero. Because It Isn't easy being screen.
Zotero- Lean, Green, and Split-Screen.
Zotero. Care for a lap dance?
Connect to the Universe: Zen Mind/ Zen Zotero
Zotero- Gets your computer out of page prison.
Who knew split personalities could be so much fun?
Work In Peace. Zotero. For the W.I.P.-smart.
ZOTERO. Zeitgeist Of The Educated Researcher's Ontology.
Page me anytime. -Zotero
Off the record. Off the hook. Zotero.
What's Under Your Hood? Zotero.
Atlas never had it so good. Zotero.
Zo many possibilities. Zotero.
Zotero. What are you waiting for?
For clandestine meetings, and the passing of secret notes. Zotero.
Smooth talk around the clock. Romancing a Window near you. Zotero.
Zotero at the helm.
I've been waiting for you too. -Zotero
Zotero. I always knew you'd come for me.
Breathe. Flow. Zotero.
Cogito ergo Zotero.
Exhume Hume in your own room. Zotero.
Zotero: The plan behind the task.
Passion. Power. Performance. Zotero.
Zotero: Plays well with others.
Zotero. Better than Crack.
Search and you will find. Zotero.
Desegregation Software. Universal Access. Zotero.
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